In this video, Allen Keller questions Don Cassler on the benchwork in his layout. The materials used in the layout are those typical of a model, but their durability is unique. Cassler and his fellow modelers built the benchwork so that it could last and hold up after any sort of impact.
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Cassler also contributes some advice for constructing the benchwork of your model. He states the importance of having others view your unfinished model, and in turn viewing theirs. Listening to the opinions of others and addressing their questions can open the door to new perspectives and ideas on how to move forward with your layout. Cassler has experienced this first hand when viewers have gravitated to unfinished portions of his model. He was able to give good ideas, and also receive them.
Although so much work has been done on the layout over the years, Cassler estimates a few more years yet to come in which he and his team will consider the model finished.
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