Sometimes model railway layouts are a work of imagination of model builders, and sometimes model railroad layouts are a reflection of the real world, when historical railway lines – respectively railroad lines – are the inspiration for rail modellers. Therefore, Pit Karges built a model train layout in HO scale (1/87) of the famous Luxembourgian railway line connecting Luxembourg City to the center and north of the country, as well as on to Liège in Belgium.
In Luxembourg, this railroad line is called the “North Line” or “Linn Lëtzebuerg – Ettelbréck – Elwen – Belsch Grenz” (“Ligne Luxembourg – Ettelbruck – Troisvierges – Frontière Belge). Rail transport is operated by the “Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Luxembourgeois” (Luxembourg National Railway Company, abbreviated CFL). Pit Karges has created an HO shelf layout depicting the section of the CFL railway line running from Luxembourg via Troisvierges to Gouvy. His diorama reflects the rail traffic in the 1990’s, when locomotives and trains still ran with the old logo of the CFL.
The Luxembourgian miniature world consists of an electrified, double-track main line. In addition, there is a switch between both tracks to allow track changes. Furthermore, there are first-class modelled trees and bushes, a level crossing and a large cornfield. Ducks and swans have settled below the railroad bridge. Finally, the rolling stock has been weathered. All in all, Pit Karges has hidden so many details on his train layout that you have to look twice or three times to explore everything.
*Pilentum Television*