The Sherman Hill Model Railroad Club in the Frontier Mall in Cheyenne, Wyoming also has a modular/travel display that travels the mountain region. They call this layout the Cheyenne and
Railroad. This is currently a temporary display at the Frontier Mall in Cheyenne, Wyoming, running HO scale trains.
Taken from SHMRRC web site: /
The Sherman Hill Model Railroad Club, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit model train club. Our mission is:
Promote the hobby of scale model railroading through public and private events, clinics, and other club functions to include all scales.
Provide an environment in which members may freely exchange ideas dealing with model railroad and promote the preservation of railroad artifacts.
Build, maintain and operate a scale model railroad for use of all members of the Sherman Hill Model Railroad Club, Inc. with high quality of standards.
Provide historic railroad and model railroading education and information to the public.”
Camera: Nikon Z-7ii and gopro
Railfan playlist:
A Michael Tuinstra Production ©2023
#ShermanHillModelRailroadClub, #SHMRRC, #C&NWrailroad, #maintenanceofway, #mow, #cheyennenorthwesternrailroad, #FrontierMall, #CheyenneWyoming, #HO, #HOtrain, #modeltrain, #modelrailroad, #train, #trains, #trainvideo, #railway, #railways, #rail, #railfan, #railfans, #railfanning, #railroad