The Great American Train Show. A two day model train show event featuring hundreds of tables with exhibitors from across the country. 00:35 Wheeling and Lake Erie locomotives. 01:30 Box sets.
01:39 HO scale Canadian Pacific EXPO 86 locomotive
01:45 HO scale Wisconsin & Southern loco.
02:08 First look at some Lionel
02:39 Iraqi Freedom Tank Car.
02:53 N scale buildings.
02:56 Old timey steam locomotive sets.
03:13 Trees
03:16 Lionel track
03:23 N scale items.
03:39 Large scale locos price reduction.
04:26 Petsmart train set.
04:51 Military train and Coca Cola train. Large scale.
11:42 Tin plate. Mint condition.
12:50 A look at the layouts on display!
Huge operating model train displays and much more. N scale, O scale and of course HO. However other scales such as S also made an appearance with both vendors and layouts.