After much hard work, I’m excited to offer custom sound files for your ESU equipped locomotives, starting with the EMD SD45! These files are available pre-installed (when the sound file is purchased separately) on the new ScaleTrains SD45 locomotive exclusively through Lombard Hobbies:
(click on the locomotive listing, then you can click on the custom sound file from there)!
After living in Chicago for 5 years, Andrew and Jeff at Lombard hobbies became good friends of mine and have offered to collaborate with me to bring these all-new sound files to you, pre-installed on your locomotive by their professional DCC technician!
There are 4 custom sound files, which correspond each road name. They each have road-specific custom horns / bells (default horn and bell is specific to road name, though all 5 horns and 3 bells are included in each file and can be selected). Other improves include road name specific ratchet vs wheel type parking brake (not accurate on original ESU file) and the omission of dynamic brake sounds (but actuate logic for idling the engine RMP) for the CNW version.
Features below:
F1 – Custom Bell
F2 – Custom Bell
F3 – Custom couple/uncouple sequence
F4 – Custom Recorded SD45 Dynamic Brake sound under load
F5 – Lighting Function
F6 – Lighting Function
F7 – Lighting Function
F8 – ESU Stock Prime Mover
F9 – ESU Engine Logic Mode
F10 – Brake
F11 – Notch 8 Mode (to be pressed when the throttle is opened up)
F12 – Dimmer
Other Automated Sounds include random air spitter and random road name specific radio chatter (specific to each road-name file).