In this video, Allen Keller narrates the movement of trains across Howard Zane’s Piermont Division of the Western Maryland Railroad. The tour begins near Lost Mine, the main coal producer on the railroad with miner homes living near their work. The Daily Train Eastbound Number 4 handles the black diamonds and interchanges at Piermont for connections to Baltimore. The EB 4 is powered by two consolidations class H-9 801 and 812.
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The coal drag moves towards Pike on a track above Piermont, picking up speed on the way past Pike station to Tunnel Number 4. The train exits Tunnel Number 5 over a creek and onto Warren. The back line passes Warren on the way to White Horse Junction and then to Franklin. In front is a saw mill that plays a big role in the area’s economy.
The haul crosses West Fork River before moving into Franklin and Tunnel Number 2. A hidden track moves the coal drag to Tunnel Number 2 at Johnsville and heads towards Pissonett. Above is a mine used for producing the finest banjo string.
EB 4 heads into Tunnel Number 3 towards the Alexander Curve behind Piermont Roundhouse. Gill’s Tannery, although foul smelling is a place for Pike citizens to sell their animal hides. The D. Heatsoff Coal Plant provides all coal for all the Maryland and Western Scenic railroad. the EB 4 train heads through a signal bridge at Lime Junction.
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Because of the small radius of the track, the consolidations will be replaced by a 7 and number 8 train. Hanover is a major classification point on the Piermont Division. Tunnel Number 7 leads the EB 4’s into Piermont, the largest city on the division and the interchange point for traffic to the east. The hoppers on the EB 4’s will be reblocked and taken east.